



Deadly Secrets... Unbreakable Honor... Silent Justice... and everlasting family ties that spans generations.

David Delahass enjoyed solving puzzles whether they originated thousands of years ago or found during one of his ambling walks among the majestic oaks and towering pines that were still plentiful on Delahass land. And it was during one of those walks he came across one such puzzle and wondered what secrets it held... if any at all.

Then in the midst of his research to find the answers... he found that last thing he or any of his cousins could have suspected... but should have.

Some of those who knew Jeremy Delahass well were fond of saying that he'd raised a royal ruckus during his lifetime and enjoyed every single moment of it. Others were more diplomatic in saying that he'd stood by his principles no matter what came up against him and that he was a man of noble-like yet humble character. Many would agree with both, believing each to be true of the man few really knew. But they all wondered where he'd disappeared to... leaving almost as quickly as he'd arrived.

Two hundred years later his descendants are still trying to figure out the answers to many of the lingering questions that Jeremy Delahass left behind in numerous journals, countless pages filled with family history as well as fragile letters that told of long forgotten family secrets that too often resulted in fatal consequences.

But they knew where he'd gone. The former president left what he'd always considered to be a temporary residence, returned to the land his ancestors first came to their new home, and then he built Nolbeloir House. His descendants, those descended from each of his many children, still lived in the house that Jeremy Delahass built. He'd made certain of it.

The current generation of Delahass cousins who resided in Nolbeloir House knew the history and the legacy that weighed heavy with responsibility. More importantly, they had a far greater understanding about why their ancestor made the choices he did and pursued a goal that put him in the public eye as he'd never before wanted.

They still didn't have the all the answers. But with everything they were learning... with each clue they found that Jeremy left behind pressing them forward to whatever it was he felt imperative that someday be revealed... one thing became more and more clear to all of the Delahass cousins of this generation. It had never been power that propelled Jeremy Delahass to the position he strove for. It had been something he understood to be far more valuable. Family.

Family Place is the ninth book in The Delahass Legacy series.

Delahass Legacy series.
Family - Book 1
Family Unbroken - Book 2
Family Shadows - Book 3
Family Always - Book 4
Family Trust - Book 5
Family Promise - Book 6
Family Honor - Book 7
Family Tribute - Book 8
Family Place - Book 9

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 128 Pages
  • File Size: 2,689 KB

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