



Did you know that not all Romans could wear togas?

Movies and shows might depict Romans wearing togas and sandals everywhere they went, but that was actually not the case. In fact, togas were considered formal wear and a status symbol, as those in the higher social classes typically wore them.

There are many surviving writings authored by ancient Roman historians that describe the interesting traditions and customs of ancient Rome. These records provide detailed insights and scenes of the empire's past. Some throw in a few myths, while some are infused with bias. Because of this, it can be difficult for curious readers to distinguish between facts and opinions.

However, with this Enthralling History book, you can easily discover the fascinating journey of the ancient Roman Empire, from the emergence of its first emperor until the fall of the Western Roman Empire.

Here's just a tiny fraction of what you'll discover:

• How Augustus ended the decades-long civil war and rose as the empire's "first citizen";

• How the emperor's private military forces, the Praetorian Guard, became powerful enough to slay Rome's mad emperor;

• The vicious scenes of Rome's biggest entertainment shows: the gladiatorial games and chariot races;

• The unique and luxurious structures of Rome that have survived to this day;

• Harsh punishments and training of the legionnaires;

• Comparison between the lush life of the wealthy and the mundane lives of commoners, slaves, and freemen;

• Early Christians as Emperor Nero's scapegoats and their terrible persecution;

• The rise of Christianity and the sacking of Rome;

• And much, much more!

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: September 26, 2022
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 147 Pages
  • File Size: 26,735 KB

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