



Piper is new to town and starting over alone. A terrifying encounter in the woods one day sends her stumbling into the care of a brooding stranger. Now, in an effort to protect her from an uncertain danger, they're thrown into close quarters and spending all their time together. As their bond grows Aidan reveals the shocking connection between what she witnessed in the clearing and his tragic past. He's been punishing himself for too long and Piper's ready to help him finally move on.

Aidan has demons that he's unwilling to face, but he's determined not to let history repeat itself. He just needs to keep things with Piper distant... professional. Though he tries to fight it, the connection between them is overwhelming. Being around her has those carefully constructed walls of his coming down and his willpower waning, but is he really ready to let her in? One thing's for certain, he'll do anything to keep her safe.

The Clearing is the first book in the Llyn Lakes series. It features interconnected characters but can be read as a standalone.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 296 Pages
  • File Size: 1,830 KB

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