



Cowritten by #1 New York Times bestselling author Julie Murphy and USA Today bestselling author Sierra Simone -- a steamy second chance Christmas in July rom-com.

After Angel and Luca connected on the set of Duke the Halls and had a whirlwind romance in the literal snow globe of Christmas Notch, Vermont, Luca found himself falling in love. Hard. He'd never been one to believe in fate or true love, but one thing was certain: Angel was his person. He knew it as well as he knew the history of American figure skating. But when Angel left for an art school semester abroad without a word, Luca's already brittle heart was broken. No one ghosted Luca. Unless he was in a haunted house.

But with the spring semester long over, Angel is back home in Los Angeles for the summer, and unfortunately for Luca, this big town is turning out to be smaller than either of them ever expected.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 141 Pages
  • File Size: 5,592 KB

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