



Hilarious misadventures when would-be hippies Tanya and Danny who have for years dreamt of giving up the jobs they hate and embracing a campervanning lifestyle, receive a stroke of incredible good luck.

They are then able to leave the difficulties of their past behind and to set off in their renovated classic VW campervan together with their pet parrot Beryl. Their objective to live a New Age Rainbow Traveller life and to find their path to true happiness. Or so they intend. But, as so often happens in life, things don't always turn out to plan.

Travelling from the south coast via the Lake District, ending up on the remote Scottish Island of Skran where their lives take a dramatic turn. Do they succeed in finding the new life they've dreamt of - or do their dreams come crashing down around them when they unintentionally become involved in an illicit trade and their past catches up with them?

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 557 Pages
  • File Size: 636 KB

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