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Officer Petty Goes Viral (St. Louis Saints & Sinners)


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It was just a routine traffic stop.
That turned into a lifesaving maneuver.
That went viral.
Now we're on a social media hamster wheel and I can't figure out how to get off.
Because this rebel girl is getting under my skin and the longer we're together, the harder it is to remember it's just pretend.

We make the perfect odd couple.
The rock'n'roll chick and the straight-laced cop.
Too bad none of it is real.
Officer Petty is not my type.
I'm only part of the PR circus because they twisted my arm.
And not because Petty is smoking hot.
Or because he's surprisingly sweet.
I'm definitely not falling for the guy.
Its all just part of the act.
Now all I have to do is convince myself that's true.

Officer Petty Goes Viral is a super steamy opposites attract romance novel. They make the perfect odd couple and its just what the precinct needs to improve its image. Single mom Quinn Laurent is social media gold, even if she's an unwilling participant. The harder she tries to ruin the campaign, the more they love her. And that includes her unwitting partner in crime, Officer Petty.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 200 Pages
  • File Size: 769 KB

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