J?am?es? P??att?ers?on's? #1? b?ests?ell??ng? h?ero? D?et?ect??v?e? Al?ex? Cross? hunts? down? ?a? s?er???al? k??ll?er? who? t?arg?ets? ?ent??r?e? f?am??l???es -- ?and? who? w??ll? n?ext? b?e? com??ng? for? th?e? Cross?es.
A? pr?ec??s?e? k??ll?er,? h?e? ?alw?ays? mov?es? und?er? th?e? cov?er? of? d?arkn?ess,? fl?awl?essly? tr??gg?er??ng? no? ?al?arms,? l?e?av??ng? no? phys??c?al? ?ev??d?enc?e.
Cross? ?and? S?ampson? ?ar?en't? th?e? only? on?es? ??nv?est??g?at??ng.
Also? ??n? on? th??s? most? ??ntr??gu??ng? c?as?e? ??s? th?e? world's? b?ests?ell??ng? tru?e-cr??m?e? ?author,? who? s?e?es? p?att?erns? ?ev?eryon?e? ?els?e? m??ss?es.
Th?e? wr??t?er,? Thom?as? Tull,? c?alls? th?e? F?am??ly? M?an? murd?ers? th?e? p?erf?ect? cr??m?e? story.? H?e? b?el???ev?es? th?e? k??ll?er? m?ay? n?ev?er? b?e? c?aught.
Cross? knows? th?er?e? ??s? no? p?erf?ect? cr??m?e.? And? h?e's? go??ng? to? hunt? down? th?e? F?am??ly? M?an? no? m?att?er? wh?at? ??t? t?ak?es.
Unt??l? th?e? F?am??ly? M?an? d?ec??d?es? to? fl??p? th?e? n?arr?at??v?e? ?and? br??ng? down? Cross? ?and? h??s? f?am??ly.
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