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Saint Jerk


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Holy Smokes - Saint Jerk is Amazing!
Funny. Edgy. Uplifting. Catholic.

Jack knew what was coming, but that didn't make it any easier to face. As the new school year started at St. Mary's, his eighth-grade class was assigned to complete twenty hours of community service by the end of the semester. Bungling his way from one adventure to the next, Jack hilariously tells the tales of his deeds gone heroically right and horrifically wrong. Along the way, he learns unexpected lessons about his faith and its meaning in his life. Most importantly, he'll realize that the person he becomes is determined by the choices he makes. And boy, does he make some bad ones...

As provocative as it is hysterical, Saint Jerk is a powerful response to a broken culture, a story that both entertains and arms young Christians with confidence in the truth of their faith in the face of a secular society. It's an invitation to readers of all ages to consider the most important questions that have ever been posed by mankind, to recognize that the answers have already been provided, and to reflect on the consequences of that truth in their lives.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 190 Pages
  • File Size: 2,702 KB

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