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His Christmas Web (The Spider Love Series Book 2)


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Annie Colbert dreads going to her boyfriend Evan's family compound for Christmas. She loves Evan dearly, but his family...
His mother is an Ice Queen. His twin brother is an arrogant jerk. They're all stupendously rich, and she is barely more than paycheck-to-paycheck. The family compound is in Upper Peninsula, Michigan. In December.

But Annie doesn't have any family of her own, so she sucks it up and makes the trip in solidarity with Evan, who isn't any more excited than Annie about visiting the old family home.

Imagine their surprise when it isn't as bad as they expect.

In this midlife holiday romance, Annie and Evan are reminded that expectations are not reality, first impressions don't last, and even the coldest winter can be warmed by love.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 214 Pages
  • File Size: 1,099 KB

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