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You're a Dream to Me


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After the suicide of her husband, Lydia Green's life is turned upside down.

In the aftermath of Steve's death, the secrets he kept begin to surface, resulting in Lydia having to say goodbye to her easy carefree lifestyle; and is forced to rebuild her whole life again from scratch.
Lydia is constantly haunted by the memory of Steve as she sleeps. The shame and anger Lydia feels surrounding her husband's death means she constantly experiences disturbing nightmares that she struggles to make sense of.

Embarrassed by Steve's choice to end his own life, Lydia is often quick to fabricate tales to others regarding the circumstances of his death.

During her journey home from a disastrous first day back at work, Lydia, quite literally, falls into the life of handsome rail engineer Scott.

Unable to come to terms with the unsettling facts of her past, while Lydia and Scott's budding romance begins to blossom, Lydia fabricates a fictitious tale surrounding the reasons behind her newfound widowhood.

With the help of her best friend Ruth and an unlikely bond found in her new boss Jon, can Lydia find the strength to eventually be honest with Scott, and finally put the ghosts of her past to rest?

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 389 Pages
  • File Size: 1,108 KB

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