



Meet Faryion Wardrip, a serial killer who once terrorized Wichita Falls and Forth Worth. A vile cold-blooded killer and rapist who assaulted and murdered 5 women.

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Faryion Wardrip seemed to have fundamental problems almost from birth. He had odd tendencies, was emotionally unstable, and was unusually aggressive. In adolescence, he attempted to smooth over some of his rough edges by abusing drugs and alcohol. But of course, such things are only a temporary fix -- if even that. In time, his drug habit went from being a means of self-medication to an addiction that would make his worst habits and behaviors even worse.

Wardrip became a man out of control who hated himself and hated the world. Often, his only defense was to make excuses and tell lies about how and why he ended up in the terrible situations he found himself.

Even when he killed others in cold blood, he managed to convince himself that these terrible events hadn't even happened. They were just a bad dream -- or perhaps even a bad trip from the drugs he had ingested. It was never his fault. Yet, the law and reality would ultimately catch up with Faryion Wardrip. This book documents the crimes, the investigation, and the ultimate conviction of this depraved killer.

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  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • File Size: 2,777 KB

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