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Have you ever stood in the checkout line at the grocery store and had to put things back due to limited funds? I'm writing about you. How about being on the side of the road with a broken vehicle and wondering how you're going to get to work with no money to fix it? You will relate to this book. Have you ever lost income due to tragic events, and now you have to improvise to make ends meet? I've written a version of your story. How about sitting alone and thinking to yourself, "There's got to be better than this?" Are you the type person that's sick and tired of broken relationships, friends disappointing you, or living paycheck to paycheck? I've got you with this book. Sit back and enjoy the ride.

Sienna, a single mother who lost a God fearing husband to black on black crime, searches for love, happiness, and an end to living paycheck to paycheck. Armed with nothing more than the will to survive, determination, and the ambition to make things better for her daughter, she fights to rise above adversity. Despite support of family and the occasional friend, she copes with judgement, lack of belief in herself, low wages, limited opportunity, black male shortages, and the struggles of a one income household.

Will she rise above judgment and lack of belief in herself? How long will low wages and living paycheck to paycheck persist? Can her daughter have a better life? Do respectable black men still exist? Will she be broken until the grave? Was the system designed for her to fail? Will she ever be happy? Can any of us?

These questions and more are answered in PAYCHECK TO PAYCHECK, a book about one woman's quest to rise above foolishness, adversity, and living paycheck to paycheck. The most relatable book in urban book of the year.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 124 Pages
  • File Size: 1,929 KB

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