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Origin Unknown


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Annie has night terrors as a child. Her father attempts to soothe her by telling her bedtime stories about not being from planet Earth. He tells her he travels through the cosmos at night. Annie suspects her father is only trying to entertain her but develops an irrational fear of alien abduction as she gets older.

Years later, Annie is in for a big surprise when she receives the results of a DNA test. She already knows she's mostly Eastern European. She's fascinated to find out she's partly French. But what really throws her a curve is learning that she's twenty-five percent Origin Unknown. Annie's an alien hybrid.

She's not the only one. Soon enough, special agents with the FBI show up at her door in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and take her to an unknown facility in the Southeastern Utah desert where she is subjected to rigorous testing. That's when a unique trait emerges that makes Annie a target of alien interest. She may hold the key to saving their kind, and by association, the human race, from extinction.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 211 Pages
  • File Size: 1,586 KB

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