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Defiant (Songs of Chaos Book 3)


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The great powers are stirring, and Holt and Ash are ready to return to the fight.

A summons from the Life Elder sets them on a perilous mission, leading to steaming jungles and blistering islands where ancient secrets will challenge everything they know of magic and dragons.

Talia, the Red Queen, is beset on all sides by pirate raiders and marauding mercenaries. Empress Skadi has abandoned her, battling uprisings in her own lands. As the noose tightens on Feorlen, Talia faces a difficult choice: let her people suffer or turn her powers against mortal foes?

Osric Agravain has found hope with his newly bonded black dragon, but some wounds run deeper than flesh and bone. Along the Fallow Frontier, he seeks the inner peace that has long eluded him.

And within the sanctum at Falcaer, Paragon Adaskar is struggling to unite the fracturing riders. If he fails, ruinous chaos will break across the world.

For when Elders and Paragons quarrel, kingdoms will fall.

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  • We started tracking this book on June 14, 2023.
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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 897 Pages
  • File Size: 2,892 KB

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