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Snuggling With A Boss: Novel


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Envy Holloway suddenly falls on hard times, and she's barely getting by. Meanwhile, she's trying to keep her faith, despite sitting at a red light for months. She's trying to keep things together for the sake of her daughter. These past few months, she lost her job, and she's been denied her unemployment. The apartment complex she lives in is no longer lenient, she's been served with an eviction notice and forced out of her apartment.
Envy figured she had enough time to come up with something. Unfortunately, her time has run out and the apartment complex sits her things out. She doesn't have any money for a U-Haul or to pay for storage. Times are hard, and the holidays are closely approaching. She doesn't have any options or any family to stay with. Her family abandoned her years ago, so asking them for help is out of the question.
Unfortunately, she finds herself in a weird situation until she crosses paths with Makai Mulsane, who's known in the streets as Sane. He's a big boss. Every woman who lays eyes on him wants him. The way his life is set up he's unable to commit to anyone until he lays eyes on Envy. She softens the hard exterior he's built up because of her circumstances. It just so happens she pulls a few strings melting his hard heart.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 187 Pages
  • File Size: 1,733 KB

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