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Sometimes love is worth the journey.
No amount of military training could have prepared me for the chemical reaction that took over my body when I saw her for the first time. The second she set those emerald eyes on me, I knew I'd never be the same. But she's quick to remind me that she doesn't date. Well, me either, but that isn't stopping me from pursuing her like my life depends on it. The problem... I have only two days to convince her I'm not like the coward who broke her heart and what we could have is worth fighting for.

It took months to finally feel happy and secure after the last time my heart was stomped on. That's why fictional men are better than real ones. Am I right, ladies? No heart-crushing activities are possible. But just as my romantic side gets with this plan, in waltzes one very persuasive Marine, who exposes my weaknesses and shows me how a good man treats a woman. Although, none of that matters because he can't stay. And all real men, even those with real six-pack abs and dark-chocolate eyes, are to be avoided. What I've rebuilt must be protected, no matter how tempting that one Marine may be.

This prequel novella is a sweet closed-door romance and has no warnings. (Note: It does have some coarse language and mentions of intimacy.) Continue Will and Sydney's journey in books 1-4 of The Journey Series. Jackson's trilogy: A JOURNEY SPARED, A JOURNEY TO LOVE and A JOURNEY HOME. Book 4: A JOURNEY BEYOND. Check content warnings for books 1-4.

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: March 11, 2023
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 194 Pages
  • File Size: 1,328 KB

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