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Irreplaceable You


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The most sacred gift that a girl can give to a guy is her innocence... her virginity.

They say boys and girls can't be best friends without anything physical going on. However, that's not the case with best friends, seventeen-year-old Raejene Campbell and nineteen-year-old Keyvan Bowers, who have been rocking and rolling together since sixth grade. Now in her senior year of high school, unsettling news threatens to disrupt the dynamics of their friendship, prompting Raejene to make a very sacred and intentional proposal, one that will transition them from best friends to lovers and ultimately tears them apart.

Fast forward six years later, Raejene and Keyvan are living separate lives in different states while dealing with different life issues. As much as she tries to, Raejene can't replace the love she still has for her best friend, making her love life ghost. When recent unexpected questions arise, turmoil ensues, causing Raejene to question her past decisions. Just when life seems to get back on track, divine intervention steps in, bringing the two former best friends face to face again, along with many unanswered questions.

Reunions are meant to be loving, happy, and joyful, but not all reunions are created equal, especially when secrets have a way of unraveling a person's world instantly.

With a bond as tight as theirs used to be, will Raejene and Keyvan be able to recapture their feelings and friendship from the past? Or has too much time passed and too much damage been done to truly reconnect? Check out how Raejene and Keyvan navigate forgiving and forgetting in this captivating, emotion-quenching standalone, Irreplaceable You.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 196 Pages
  • File Size: 1,367 KB

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