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Shattered Sun (The Great Generation Book 2)


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He searched for an adult. Someone to tell them what to do. But no one
would come. They were the Sun, and Winter Solstice had begun.

The only visible colors were in the clothes on their back, man-made items
created from dyes of the earth before its descent into decay. Greyscale shrouded
everything from green blades of grass to the blue reflection of the atmosphere. In the sky, the sun and moon collided into a dizzying light fixed in place, barring the difference between day and night.

Hope of ever seeing normalcy again revolved around the Sun, five
teenagers facing and defeating millennium-old beings with carefully constructed
powers to manipulate memories, warp fears into reality, prey on emotions, and
drive the subconscious into insanity.

Maybe if that was all, they would've been able to succeed, give the clans hope of
victory, but the Aether -- the only being alive capable of taking down a
Master -- walked the earth as an Apati, a living ghost, holding no feelings and no
emotions besides an unquenchable belief that her being alive was an imbalance
of Fate itself.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 418 Pages

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