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I was that girl.

I had it all.

Confident and happy, I graduated college

and began working my dream job. I married my devoted,

handsome boyfriend. We bought a house and traveled the world.

Focused on our careers, we'd think about kids later...

'til the unthinkable happened.

Now I'm all alone and slowly discovering my fairy tale life was

a nightmare shrouded in secrecy and lies.

How do you move on after such betrayal?

Can I trust in a second chance at a real happily ever after?


I was that guy.

I had it all and threw it all away.

A renowned surgeon, my career was my sole focus.

Yet I had a wife and beautiful children and let them slip away.

I've learned the hard way. I'm more devoted to my family than ever.

If only they didn't live with a new man now.

My ex-wife and I are better as friends,

and my kids are old enough to forgive me.

If I could only forgive myself.

I'm just hoping I can prove to Poppy

that despite my past, I'm worth taking a chance.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 398 Pages
  • File Size: 3,542 KB

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