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He's fighting his own family to keep their ranch as it is. As his father's assistant, she has to oppose him. But over time, she starts to see his side of things.

Phoenix Knott doesn't like the changes happening all around him. He's fiercely protective of his family, and he doesn't trust the moves his father's making. His family ranch needs the money a rival ranch owes them to save their own family business, and he'll do what it takes to get it.

Mallorie Couch is not only Phoenix's sister's best friend, but she's also his father's assistant. And she and Phoenix have never gotten along. But if her boss's business fails, she might be out of a job, and she'll never find a gig like the one she has now. By helping Phoenix, she's technically ensuring her job security.

The more time they spend together, though, the more she finds herself drawn to the grumpy cowboy. And he's battling an attraction to her. They need to focus on the task at hand, but maybe, in each other, they've found the security they're both seeking.

The Cupid Ridge Cowboys series is a sweet, clean contemporary western romance series filled with swoon-worthy cowboys in a small-town setting.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 200 Pages
  • File Size: 1,560 KB

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