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The King's Dagger


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Dark Fantasy Romance. This is not your average Beauty and the Beast.

This story is intended for those age 18+ Crude language, explicit scenes.

If you are triggered by any references to sexual violence, this series is not recommended for you.

The King's Dagger is the first story of this trilogy. This fantasy series has magic and intrigue and is rife with tension and steamy romance.

The Kingdom of Xaxzar is suffering under a cruel ruler, its people having lost the will to fight back, but one woman's brave heart won't let her stand back while innocents suffer.

Niya has a painful past but the darkness doesn't define her. She's spent most of her life hiding who she is but has finally found a wonderful man that she might just love and is ready to find out what happiness could await them.

Fate has more in store for Niya than she ever could have realized...
In her desire to do what is right, to stand up against a cruel king, she finds herself facing punishment at the hands of The King's Dagger. He's a monstrous beast whose visage is hidden behind a mask, and he never utters a word. He has the power to tear down armies at his king's behest and is used as an instrument of torture, instilling pain and fear.

But there is something more to Dagger that Niya is soon to discover.

Things are not always as they seem and when Niya finds herself imprisoned under Dagger's watchful eye, she finds herself strangely drawn to this beast in ways that terrify her. She begins to wonder if maybe there is still a man beneath that mask after all.

Little does Niya know, her sacrifice has put fight back into the people and an uprising has begun, one she will find herself firmly in the center of. What would the people think if they knew the woman who had finally stood up against the cruelty was the same woman who was developing feelings for a monster?

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 516 Pages
  • File Size: 1,949 KB

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