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He's fighting the silence; she's painting his world with color again.

Battled, broken, and branded by war, I came to Oakside seeking refuge, not redemption.
The blast took my hearing and tossed my world into silence.
Now I'm a grizzled former Navy SEAL battling with my demons and the silence of my world, until I stumble upon Carlee.
Despite the years and experiences that separate us, she looks at me and sees a man, not a collection of scars and stories.
But with my past and her dreams of a future, I'm not convinced I can it give to her.

Art is my refuge, my way of speaking when words fail me.
Oakside is supposed to be just another step in building my dream.
Helping Zane find his way back to himself wasn't in my plans, despite the shadows that linger in his eyes, I see the possibility of a future together.
Until I get the phone call that says I'm the sole guardian of my six year old niece.
Now I'm thrust into a life he's made clear he doesn't want.

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: May 3, 2024
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 159 Pages
  • File Size: 3,366 KB

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