



Today you are the result of the habits you have adopted in the last two years, and in two years, you will be the result of the ones you decide to make yours today

- Do you smoke thirty cigarettes a day, or do you play sports?

- Do you eat at fast-food or at home, cooking healthy?

- Do you listen to unpleasant feelings, or do you avoid them?

- Do you dedicate the last hours of your day to social media or reading?

- Do you respond negatively in the family, in the grip of anxiety, or are you assertive?

- Do you go to work not satisfied, or are you accomplished?

Mental Coaches, trainers, and motivational gurus: many say that it is essential to set ambitious goals, decide where you want to go and do everything to get there.

But is this really the key to success?

• Why, is it so difficult to do what we continually say we want to do?

• Why can't we lose weight, start smoking again, and waste hours glued to smartphones?

• Why don't we actually build healthier relationships or more fulfilling careers?

Brad Meier, one of America's most innovative personal growth experts, has no doubts:

we are simply on the wrong target.

Instead of helping us improve, the obsession with goals risks becoming an additional source of stress and even making us fail.

We are not our targets. We are the sum of our habits

Habits are that invisible force that slowly and relentlessly determines who you are and shape your identity and the image that others have of you. That's why they are so important. The good news is that they can be studied, developed, and modified and that, thanks to them, you can achieve what you want to be.

In short, you can exploit their potential to abandon the bad habits and adopt the winning ones

Real change doesn't come from a single significant breakthrough but from the combination of many almost imperceptible improvements: one small step at a time, one daily progress per day, a 1% added slowly.

Real change will come into your life one day a week

So you will ask yourself: why should I read this book?

"The Once a Week Formula" presents an innovative, precise, and easy-to-implement method for:

• transform, step by step, the behaviors that are important to you into easily repeatable actions, therefore, into solid and sustainable habits over time

• create good habits

• get rid of the bad ones

• happily stick to your choices.

Because only by focusing on what we have the power to change, on what we decide to do or not do "once a week", will we be able to achieve a profound, positive, and lasting transformation

Click on "Buy Now"... and good change.

©2023 Brad Meier (P)2023 SaturnEditors

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 193 Pages
  • File Size: 3,008 KB

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