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The Name and the Shadow: An Armand Ptolemy Novel


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The Name and the Shadow is the origin tale of an action hero who fights a 'secret world' where mysticism and quantum physics intersect. It's galloping, international and stylish -- with 3-Body-esque 'mind candy' laced throughout. It's John Wick meets Last Call by Tim Powers.

When Armand discovers that his brothers have cheated him out of his inheritance, he is plunged into a secret world of synchronicity engines, karma cryptocurrencies, ancient 'living information' and modern artificial intelligences.

Now he must fight a strange shadow organization called Concordia -- something, he quickly discovers, that his own father was a part of...
"If you enjoy science fiction, philosophy, action, adventure, duels, ancient civilizations, futurist technologies, romance, unexpected twists and turns, and a good old fashioned kick-ass ride, you'll find plenty to love."

Blending the latest in modern technologies with ancient lore, The Name and the Shadow pits Armand against real sinister forces as he races to uncover his father's history -- while falling in love with 'living information' made flesh in the beguiling Sophia.

An action adventure packed with speculation on the nature of the latest AI's like ChatGPT, Jungian concepts and our true place in the universe! Join Armand on this astonishing quest into our near future, today.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 407 Pages
  • File Size: 5,432 KB

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