



Brilliant CEOs, entrepreneurs, and marketers have learned to be masters of their craft by studying Sun Tzu's "The Art of War". He is the most overquoted military general in all of human history, and for good reason.

He was brilliant.

However, he wasn't the only brilliant tactician. There is a deep, deep ocean of other examples of marketing done right throughout history. These books are your opportunity to improve yourself through them.What You'll Learn

This book will open your mind and help you think about marketing differently. Through these stories, you can approach your marketing & leadership from a new perspective.

Not only that, but it will give you captivating stories that will help you better articulate your marketing expertise. Rather than just saying "Ya, this will work. Trust me!" you can give your colleagues real-world examples of WHY what you're saying works.What's Included

In this book, you'll get:

• 12 Psychological Warfare stories

• Lessons on how to apply them to marketing & business today

• 29 examples of modern-day companies either succeeding or failing to apply the lessons taught

• A comprehensive summary for later review & study

• What You'll Be Able To Do

After Reading This Book You'll Become Someone Who:

• Thinks differently about marketing,

• Better analyzes the war that is business,

• Better articulates your goals and tactics through captivating stories,

• Impresses others with your deep understanding of marketing and business,

• Feels confident knowing others had walked this path before and came out of it victorious, and

• Actually enjoys learning tactics and strategies through fascinating stories of the battlefield.

Whom You'll Learn From

In this book, you will learn tactics of influence & persuasion from

?George Washington
?Winston Churchill
?Genghis Khan
?Baghdad Betty
?and 8 more lesser-know tactical geniuses of their time.
There is a VAST OCEAN of brilliant tacticians throughout history. These masters of strategy learned from their battles how to win the hearts and minds of their troops, their enemies, and the people back home. This book is here to teach you those things.

Topics Covered In Each Chapter

The lessons you'll learn in this book include:

• How to use misdirection to outmaneuver your competition.

• Common pitfalls in marketing to different demographics.

• How to motivate your team to achieve greatness.

• Conduct market research for controversy.

• Why telling the truth may not be enough.

• How to make your offering a "no-brainer" to customers.

• The power of leveraging humor when you're in a tough spot.

• Speak to the individual & the whole.

• Understand the power of certain words.

• How to remove your own cultural misconceptions in your messaging.

• Why/How you should prepare for the future during layoffs.

• How to remain omnipresent.

Who Is This Book For?

This book has been written specifically for marketing experts, entrepreneurs, and C-suite level businesspeople; anyone that enjoys the psychology of war will appreciate it. If you'd like to learn applicable marketing strategies and have the stories to impress those around you, this book is for you.

I sincerely hope you enjoy this book as much as I enjoyed writing it. It was a blast.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 228 Pages
  • File Size: 1,133 KB

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