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"Nobody knows tough times until they've spent a year in Ashetown."

In the Imperial capital, the Ashetown district is where the trash flows downstream and where private detective Thomas Martel calls home.

Ashetown Blues is a collection of three sci-fi noir stories featuring Martel as he searches for meaning in a world where right and wrong merge into the gray of the night.

"The Cold Sleep"

Even the rich have problems, even when they're dead.

Martel is hired to find a young socialite after her body goes missing from the morgue, but the truth he finds goes deeper than six feet under.

"Lady Falcata"

Ashetown was no place for a lady, but Michelle Falcata was not the lady she used to be. Of noble birth, Lady Falcata had traded a silver spoon for a pair of nine-millimeter pistols and never looked back.

"Wasabi City"

The Little Tokyo enclave dealt with their own problems until gangsters started dying at the hands of a mythical Oni. Now, the Yakuza need Martel's help, but will the blood flow faster than a P.I. can swim?

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 112 Pages
  • File Size: 2,182 KB

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