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Imagine having your morning coffee or winding down after a long day in a tranquil, outdoor space, surrounded by gorgeous plants and the sounds of nature...

You don't have to travel to a far-off destination! You can create an oasis in your own yard, regardless of its size!
Creating your own garden, whether it's on a small apartment balcony, in a limited condo garden, or taking up a vast space in the suburbs or countryside, is much easier than you think!

Practical Gardening Guide for Beginners: How to Plan and Grow a Beautiful Backyard shows you the basics of gardening that everyone needs to know to turn plain dirt and weeds into beauty. Yes! Gardening truly is the stress reliever of the future.

Inside Practical Gardening Guide for Beginners, you'll discover:

• The three main factors to consider when planning your garden: water, lighting, and climate.

• How to properly look at the space you have available before you start digging or planting.

• The tools you'll need for your garden and how you can work them into your budget.

• How to choose plants for your space -- from creepers to climbers, annuals to perennials, grasses to trees, and everything in between.

• How to care for your plants by controlling pests, weeding, and making compost.

Getting your hands in the soil will not only lift your spirits but will also give you a workout! Plus, you'll have a sanctuary to enjoy, season after season!

What are you waiting for?

Get your copy of Practical Gardening Guide for Beginners: How to Plan and Grow a Beautiful Backyard, and unleash your green thumb!

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 80 Pages
  • File Size: 36,094 KB

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