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Stars Maintain Their Glow


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A mystery - the theft of a precious book. A disappearance without a trace. Three women, three very different destinies, all entwined in time and circumstance. Maria Eduarda, a mixed-race beauty born into the elite of Portuguese aristocracy, who is reaching adulthood during World War II, in neutral Portugal, in its capital - a melting pot for refugees, the displaced, spies, diplomats and opportunists. Hertha, born into German farming stock, destined to endure the terrible privations of war as a young child. Valeria, a child born of a much later generation, who brings the two together. And a man, Gerald Neale, English diplomat, and spy, devastatingly handsome, fluent in Portuguese but a not-so-nice guy, the shadow behind Eduarda and Hertha.
Stars Maintain Their Glow is the story of two exceptional women whose lives were impacted by social conventions of the time, war and men's privileges. Their story is gradually revealed through the words of Valeria - her promise to Hertha to complete the book that Hertha felt she could not.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 485 Pages
  • File Size: 3,623 KB

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