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Finding Madeira


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The Picturesque Madeira Travel Guide

'Finding Madeira' is an enchanting book about adventure and love at first sight. A wonderful collection of photographs with travel stories will bring readers along for an unforgettable experience. Feel the nature. Witness the magnificent cityscapes. Taste and observe the most iconic aspects of the island's rich culture. All told through the perspective of a Portuguese-Canadian.

Madeira is where everyone belongs.

Through this expedition, Devin Meireles shares the remarkable beauty of Madeira -- That's where he found unconditional love unlike anywhere else -- That's where a heritage can be discovered. This charming book will resonate with readers and travel lovers to provide inspiration for your next trip abroad!

Praise for Finding Madeira

"In its purest essence, "Finding Madeira" is a travel book. But in reality, it is a spiritual experience as you enjoy a man's love letter to a place that makes his heart sing." GoodReads Reviewer

"... beautifully written with stunning prose and stunning pictures to match. It was a very emotive read that really evoked emotions in me that I wasn't expecting from a travel memoir... " GoodReads Reviewer

"It is clear from the start by the author's beautiful prose filled with such descriptive terms it literally transports you to where he is at and you can taste the salt air, feel the ocean, and have peace sweep over you... " GoodReads Reviewer

"... it's a love story about falling in love with a place. There are some very beautiful moments in this travel book... " GoodReads Reviewer

"This book is more than just a photo journal. It's quite poetic and beautifully written and clearly a labour of love." GoodReads Reviewer

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 131 Pages
  • File Size: 18,696 KB

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