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"Accessible and practical, Rabil's book will appeal to anyone seeking not only to understand what it takes to succeed, but also to understand the courage, discipline, and grace it takes to become a champion... Wise, inspired reading."

-- Kirkus

From lacrosse legend Paul Rabil, lessons on becoming a true champion -- in sports, business, and life

Long before Paul Rabil had become lacrosses's most acclaimed player, the sport's first million-dollar man, and the cofounder of the Premier Lacrosse League, he always strove for greatness.

The problem was he lacked a manual for how to achieve it -- so, he set out to create one himself. He talked to Bill Belichick about how to prepare, Steph Curry about how to practice, Sue Bird about how to develop resilience, and Mark Cuban about how to build a career with longevity. From the wisdom of these and other legends, and through his own -- often painful -- trial and error, he forged himself into a true champion. And in doing so, he wrote the manual he always wanted.

The Way of The Champion is the synthesis of everything Rabil learned on his path to becoming one of the greatest lacrosse players of all time. But this is not merely a sports book. It is a guide to embodying a champion's mindset -- in sports, in business, and in relationships.

According to Paul Rabil, "No one is born to be a champion. It can only be earned -- through equal parts philosophy, execution, and sheer determination. I've won and lost championships, business deals, and relationships. I've learned that our best moments come after we've faced our most devestating defeats -- when we choose to rise with unwavering resolve. That's the way of the champion."

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  • We started tracking this book on April 21, 2024.
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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 249 Pages
  • File Size: 2,167 KB

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