



THE ULTIMATE CELEBRATION OF STAR WARS VIDEO GAMES! There has never been a bigger celebration of the history of Star Wars games than X-WINGS, LIGHTSABERS, AND SCORPION VADER. Written by videogame industry veteran Chris Baker -- who spent three years at LucasArts himself -- the book collects several long pieces he has written on the subject in recent years: some for Rolling Stone's in 2017, one for YouTube channel Superhero.VG, and another reflecting upon his time at LucasArts. More than 15 developers contributed exclusive quotes for this book -- even the composer for Namco's Japan-exclusive Star Wars for Famicom (where Darth Vader turns into a scorpion!). When appropriate, new content has been added from the original pieces.ANSWERING THE STAR WARS VIDEOGAME QUESTIONS YOU NEVER KNEW YOU HAD

• What role did the founders of Pixar have in the first Star Wars game ever?

• How didBounty Hunterinfluence The Mandalorian?

• What game at one point allowed Luke Skywalker to snap necks?

• What Star Wars game took inspiration from Battlestar Galactica?

• What game released to early, with fans completing it years later?

• How did a tester in QA influence a core feature of Jedi Knight?

• The most authentic localization of Japan's Famicom game ever

• In what form did Battlefront 3 actually come out?

• What Battlefront game is so obscure, no live gameplay exists on the internet?

• How did the worst moment in Star Wars gaming history lead to one of its best?

• What makes the book's title a lie?

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 312 Pages
  • File Size: 79,040 KB

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