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Meet the False Face Killer - a chilling, manipulative and ruthless serial killer who operates with cunning precision, picking victims and killing without a trace. Angel, Victor's daughter, is the predator's latest prey. Victor, is a helpless lonely old man, what would he possibly do? Yet, he discovers a hidden strength that only fathers possess when their daughters are in danger.

They say, "Don't mess with strangers; you can't predict what they're capable of."

They were right, Victor himself is not an ordinary old man, he is a man of mystery. A gripping cat-and-mouse game unfolds between Victor and the killer. Join the journey with a unique narrator, as you uncover twists and revelations together. "Kill for Kill" is a heart-pounding tale of vengeance, obsession, and raw emotions. Brace yourself for a tale that will haunt your thoughts long after the final page is turned.

Who will win - the determined father or the invincible killer?

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  • We started tracking this book on February 26, 2024.
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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 331 Pages
  • File Size: 1,717 KB

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