



Read about strange disappearances, paranormal activities, cold murder cases and abnormal occurrences.

• Room 2805

A female guest checks into one of Europe's most secure hotels with a male company. Two gunshots later, investigators discover that she checked in with a fake identity, and the phone number and house address provided are nonexistent. Who is she, why was she shot, and where is the man she checked in with?

• Penis Sorcery

Mass hysteria in West Africa. Penis snatchers are on the loose. Physical contact with them in public and your sex organ is gone. Over 200 cases later, it is still a mystery how these sorcerers successfully steal body parts.

• Smiley Face

Bodies of young men between 18 and 25 are popping up in water bodies across several Midwestern states in America, with graffiti depicting a smiley face nearby. Who is targeting these men, and why?

• A Millionaire is Missing

A Canadian magnate sells his business and loads his account with $1,000,000. Within hours of closing the deal, he walks out of his office, buys a newspaper at a nearby stand, and walks into the setting sun, never to be seen again.

• 300 Million Yen

The Perfect Crime. One man makes away with 300 million yen in broad daylight with zero violence. Fifty years later, his identity remains a mystery.

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  • We started tracking this book on October 30, 2023.
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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 39 Pages
  • File Size: 865 KB

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