



Once a prosperous merchant, John William Harrington's life suddenly takes a tragic turn. When the most notorious outlaw of the West orchestrates a devastating train robbery, the result is the death of John's beloved wife. Haunted by this loss and driven by revenge, his path takes an unexpected twist when a sharpshooting bounty hunter with a formidable reputation, gallops into his life...

Can he bring an end to the lawlessness that plagues this land?

Enter Jane "Hawk-Eye" Maddox: feared, revered, and unmatched in her sharpshooting prowess. The wild terrains of the West are her hunting grounds, and she's on a personal quest for retribution. With every bullet she fires, she seeks justice for the wounds that shaped her, hoping each shot brings her closer to settling a score from long ago.

Is it justice or vengeance she seeks?

Amidst gunfights, John and Jane grapple with their intertwined destinies, personal demons, and the heavy weight of their mission. As the bullets fly and tensions rise, will justice finally be served on the unforgiving frontier? Join them in a gripping tale of retribution, alliances, and battles against the odds!

"A Common Oath of Vengeance" is a historical adventure novel of approximately 60,000 words. No cliffhangers, only pure unadulterated action.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 356 Pages
  • File Size: 1,306 KB

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