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Simon McLean takes the reader on an often hilarious, sometimes scary, always fascinating journey through the ranks of the Scottish police: from his spell as a rookie constable in the hills and lochs of Argyll; through his career in Rothesay; and to his ultimate goal: The Serious Crime Squad in Glasgow.
Once there, readers are taken into the squad room and ride along as terrorists are pursued, murderers brought to book and armed fugitives confronted; always peeking behind the veil of professionalism and order portrayed to the public.
This is a rare insight into the world of our plain-clothes officers who infiltrate and suppress the worst among us. The dealers, the shooters, the gangsters and the paedophiles; they need to fall by any means, and that's a job best delivered by the few willing to do what's required: THE TEN PERCENT.
Simon McLean tells 'the truth, the whole truth and something like the truth' and the result is a frank and fearless examination of the role of the police in an ever-changing Scotland. It is also by far the most entertaining account you'll ever read of the varied realities of life as a Scottish policeman.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 478 Pages
  • File Size: 853 KB

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