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Can you imagine having a one-night stand with the one guy you absolutely cannot stand?

Trust me when I say you do not want to make the same mistake that I did.

His name is Colton.

Colton Hart.

He's my brother's best friend.

My nemesis.

The man that fired me after working for him for one hour.

Now he's my latest mistake.

And it's all the fault of my best friend Isabel and her spiked eggnog.

And the masks.

And that one slow dance at my brother's work party that got me all hot and bothered.

I didn't know it was him.

Not until we were outside, pressed against the wall devouring each other.

He doesn't believe I didn't realize it was him at first.

The next morning my brother found me in his bedroom.

With Colton's boxers in my hand. FML!

So I pretended I was there to do his laundry as his new assistant.

Colton's smirk tells me that he thinks that this is something I've always wanted.

But it's not true.

I do not want Colton Hart.

In fact, all I want for Christmas is not him.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 218 Pages
  • File Size: 1,374 KB

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