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Valentine's Rebellion (Cat Ladies Rule The World)


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I loathe Valentine's Day, no, I downright despise it. This year, it feels like it's on steroids. But I refuse to let it get the better of me. There's only one solution: escape. I manage to persuade my best friend, Coop, to ditch England and embark on a trip to a secluded Canadian village. The place looked charming in the brochure, and surely, a small haven in the middle of nowhere won't succumb to Valentine's madness, right? Here's hoping the weather gods are on our side.

Do I hate Valentine's Day? Nah, not really. Do I jump on the Valentine's boycott train with my bestie? Hell, yes! I'd do anything for her. Lizzie and I have been friends for donkey's years. Just friends. Honestly, I wish she'd see me as more, but she's made it clear -- I'm stuck in the friend zone. Is it messing with my head? You bet. Am I steering clear of her? No way. I need her in my life, taking whatever she's willing to give. So, here I am, stuck in my own Valentine's purgatory, heading on a trip with the woman I love, even though she doesn't feel the same way.

Valentine's Rebellion was released in January 2023 as part of the Fourteen Shades of Red limited edition Valentine's Day romance collection. It was re-released in March as prequel to The Unnatural Habitat of a Cat Lady.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 59 Pages
  • File Size: 1,540 KB

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