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FORM: A Zombie Apocalypse Novel


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For a girl trying to survive a global pandemic and make it to Chicago, isolation and despair make it hard to maintain sanity in a freakish novel by the bestselling author of Voids Untold, Mysteries Unfold.

Humanity is on the brink of demise. Emily Blackwood will stop at nothing to avenge her mother's death. Benjamin, a young boy who barely escaped with his life, is now tortured by nightmares as his sanity dwindles. Drake speeds on his Harley Davidson, fleeing the woman he wronged -- can he outrun his past? And a strange mutation has forced the mutants out of the darkness to look for food. As the mutations multiply and infections soar, the two outcasts must stick together to survive the extinction -- from the monsters outside and those within.

Form is Nathan Harker's debut novel, a devilishly creepy story about the apocalypse that will freak your mind and tingle your spine. This story should be read in the bosom of the night.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 312 Pages
  • File Size: 3,993 KB

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