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A Fish Out of Water


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Martin just wanted some staples.
It had been a long month-end meeting - and he'd spent most of it needing the toilet - so when he found himself traversing a portal instead of entering the supply closet, he could forgive himself for having gone through the wrong door.
Stuck on Fuel Station Two, with a crew who've abandoned their designated mission, he has no choice but to make the best of a bizarre situation.
Why has he been nominated to fly the spacecraft? Why does it feel like there's a big secret he hasn't been made privy to?
And what's the deal with the stripy cat?
Follow Martin the accountant as he tries to find his way home in this tongue-in-cheek humorous sci-fi short story (around 30 pages).

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 34 Pages
  • File Size: 259 KB

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