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Seven Perfect Days


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"A sweeping coming of age story full of adventure, romance, and dark humor." - Booklife

"An enthralling novel of friendship and betrayal, Seven Perfect Days explores the bonds of friendship and loyalty. The novel has a character-driven plot, featuring a cast of complex yet intriguing characters who draw you into their world. Francesca Vespa's narrative is a balanced blend of dark drama, emotions, humor, and wittiness. While the narrative is almost memoir-like and poetic, it is fascinating and engaging to read. Despite some parts seeming drawn out, the reader will be absorbed in the subsequent events. Seven Perfect Days is a heartwarming and heartbreaking story woven together with themes of friendship, betrayal, and forgiveness. You'll enjoy this book if you like humorous dramas full of emotional rollercoasters and culture shocks, and are open-minded about gay relationships and sexual content. I was pleasantly surprised and enjoyed the ride!" - Reader's Favourite

"Built on the premise that 'sometimes your friends break your heart the most,' Francesca Vespa's Seven Perfect Days grapples with this ugly truth in several contexts. The quirky, witty, and poignant writing makes for an especially engaging read." - Indiereader

"A medley of friendship and globetrotting love, Francesca Vespa's SEVEN PERFECT DAYS introduces protagonist Maggie Lomax coping with the aftermath of a profound high school trauma, triggered by the enigmatic disappearance of foreign student Adam Moon. In a voyage of introspection, Maggie encounters both new horizons and distressing echoes of the past. Vespa's narrative style, with its mixture of dark humor, romance, and soulful self-analysis, emerges as an enchanting odyssey through the maze of human (dis)connection and the alchemy of emotional pliability." - IR Discovery Awards

Sometimes your friends break your heart the most. Maggie missed the most horrific moment of her life, but her eccentric best friend Alex is a constant reminder of it. High school is over, and she would give anything to clean up the mess left behind: lie... cheat... betray... kill... although... maybe not kill... That's a bit dramatic.

Things look grim, until she meets Adam Moon, a handsome foreign student and sweet, kind soul, who is just as messed up as her. Only now, he is missing, and nobody knows what happened to him. A strange offer from an old high school acquaintance to go abroad might just be what she needs. New sights and sounds may help get her mind off it, but the past has a way of catching up with her, and so does Alex.

She might get her man, but it might be at the worst possible time for both of them.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 383 Pages
  • File Size: 798 KB

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