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Jamie Sullivan does not date hockey players. As the PT for the Bringham Bobcats, he knows they're loud, cocky, and more trouble than they're worth. Not to mention painful reminders of the career ripped from his grasp a decade ago -- a past he's desperate to leave behind. All he needs to do is finish his business course and open his own practice to be free of hockey forever. It's all going according to plan, until a dirty-mouthed young hotshot who won't take no for an answer waltzes into his office, and Jamie's forced to reconsider whether he's ready to give up on the game.

They call him a rising star, so why does Archie Bowman still feel like a rookie? Maybe it's the number of times he's been traded in his short career. Maybe it's the homesickness for the family, biscuits, and rugby he left behind in Britain. Or maybe it's how, despite everyone else buying his cocky act, he still isn't sure he belongs in the big leagues.

When an old shoulder injury resurfaces a few weeks before the season starts, Bowie's dream is at stake, and Jamie is just the doc to help him get it back. That is, if their blossoming relationship doesn't cloud their judgment...
* Age gap
* Grumpy sunshine
* Spicy
* Lots of humor
* Brit & American

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 335 Pages
  • File Size: 891 KB

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