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The God Next Door


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You can take the gods out of Olympus, but can you take Olympus out of the gods?

Eros, eternal teenager/legendary god of love, is experiencing an existential crisis and has concluded that his career as a bow-and-arrow-wielding matchmaker is over. It's time for a change of pace, and residence.

When he and his mother, the very beautiful and vain Aphrodite, decide to leave Mount Olympus and settle in a small Texas town, they find that leaving behind their divine powers and privileges is significantly harder than they expected.

None too happy about his daughter and grandson's desertion, the proud, promiscuous, and slightly addle-brained Zeus sends the hopeless pair of gods sets of instructions which provide a pathway to potential compromise.

Now, if only the terms of the proposed agreement were marginally intelligible.

And if only Aphrodite could play by Earth's superpower-free rules and commit to working on her impulsivity and rage issues.

And if only Eros could stop being so clumsy and almost getting his next-door neighbors killed.

And if only their miniature, accidently obtained pet angus cow, Mrs. Clutterbuck, could keep her English-accented mouth shut so she doesn't blow their cover.

The God Next Door is a witty, weird, and wonderful adventure that sparkles with the magic of Greek mythology while tipping its hat to the unmatched imagination and brilliance of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 229 Pages
  • File Size: 4,782 KB

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