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Emma: Prairie Roses Collection - Book 37


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Emma Stanford knew there was more to life than the boring and slow pace of Los Oro, California. Somewhere, somehow, she would find the adventure she'd always dreamed of. On their way to rescue her older sister from a wicked husband, her father falls sick on the wagon trail and marries Emma off, just before he dies, to a man she barely knows. Emma's hopes and dreams sink lower than the sun at dusk.

Thomas Buchanan "Buck" can't refuse when his friend's dying wish is that Buck marry his youngest daughter and help rescue her sister. Just what Buck needed, a waylay to his dreams of going from a mercantile owner to becoming a rancher in the San Diego mountain meadows.

Once Emma finds her sister, will Buck and Emma go their separate ways? Or could a covered wagon journey lead them on an adventure of the heart?

Emma is a Christian covered wagon romance and part of the Prairie Roses Collection. All books in the collection are stand alones and can be read in any order. Enjoy the romance of Emma and Buck's story today.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 123 Pages
  • File Size: 7,135 KB

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