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It is time to become the best version of yourself... one day at a time. This is The Daily Mission.

Your life is the direct result of what you did today and every day leading up to this point. What you do on a consistent basis from here on out is what matters. This book is about developing the daily habits that build momentum to achieve long term success in life, fitness and finance.

Are you running your day or is your day running you? Do you find yourself overwhelmed and stressed? Is there never enough time to take care of yourself? Have you ever wanted more for your life? It's time for all of that to change. It's on you. You are the lead character in this story and you get to decide what that story looks like. You were meant for great things. You are responsible for making it happen. Every day starts with a mission and it's up to you to run that mission and execute.
This book is about becoming a better version of yourself. It's about showing up every day, regardless of how you feel and doing the things that you said you were going to do. It's about a building a life that YOU want and are proud of. Success and winning don't just happen to you one day. They are a result of a plan and consistent action.

The Daily Mission will allow you to create this daily plan that has you running your day, focusing on you, developing habits and living a life that you truly want.

Topics include: tracking daily habits, discipline, fitness, nutrition, consistency, focus, personal finance, procrastination, health, worrying what others think, gratitude, hard work, reading, prioritizing yourself, helping others, motivation and so much more.

You can't climb a mountain without taking the first step. Every step after that is you showing up on a daily basis, completing your daily mission and working your way to the top.

It's time to start your own Daily Mission.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 236 Pages
  • File Size: 1,362 KB

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