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Who's the mysterious blue-eyed billionaire that owns the club downtown?


I freeze as porcelain shards scatter across the coffee shop floor.
My heart races at the sight of the mesmerizing man before me.
He's stunning.

His aura of mystery and strength draws me in.
Igniting a fiery attraction I haven't felt in ages.
Something I wasn't prepared for after what happened with my ex.


Kayla's sass and beauty captivate me.
Though uncertainty lurks in her past.
As her ex resurfaces, I vow to shield her.
Even if it means revealing my secrets.

But keeping her safe means keeping my distance.
A struggle testing my resolve.
All I want to do is...

Touch her.
Hold her.
Do naughty things to her...

As we find solace on my secluded island paradise.
The reality back home remains ever-present.
Reminding us that our idyllic refuge is only temporary.

We must return and confront her ex.
But the dread of our love bubble bursting gnaws at me.
Casting a shadow over our uncertain future.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 224 Pages
  • File Size: 2,628 KB

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