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I just took my best friend's sister's v-card. Oops.
Nothing that a little time, distance, and secrecy can't fix.

We hated each other growing up but I always wanted her.
So when I found her hiding out at a graduation party, like an idiot, I took her v-card.

Then, in true scumbag fashion, I fled the scene.
And the city.

After the pact I made with Lucas to never touch his sister?
I'll be taking this one to the grave.

But fast forward seven years and I'm a billionaire at the top of the media industry.
When my company acquires a news network and I meet my new staff, I see no one but... her.

Kayla Wood.
Standing there with the twinkle in her eye that has haunted me ever since the best night of my life.

I'm her boss now. I can be mature.
Maybe she isn't obsessing over this like I am.

Or maybe she has a secret of her own...
In the form of a six year old son who looks just like me.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 292 Pages
  • File Size: 2,071 KB

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