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Forbidden Spice

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I've got huge plans for my life. Falling for someone is not in those plans.
College first, then making my dream of owning, and being the head chef of a restaurant in New York City a reality.
One Friday night while working, I catch sight of the most stunning woman who's ever entered The Oasis, sitting at the bar with her friend.
Blaire shook my plans upside down and sideways from the moment we met.

One night at The Oasis and my life is never going to be the same.
After my divorce, I wasn't looking for anything serious. I have a young daughter to raise.
His inviting smile and mischievous gaze draw me in, and I can't think straight.
He's amazing.
So young, fit, and gorgeous.
So, in tune with me and all my wants and needs.
After we spend two magnificent weeks together, I go back to work at the university, where I'm a culinary instructor.
My heart stops when Jaden walks into my classroom.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 192 Pages
  • File Size: 807 KB

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