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Buying a vet clinic in a small, backwoods town was supposed to be a fun new adventure, but I never expected my first client to be a giant wolf riddled with silver bullets. Or for him to morph into a man before my eyes.

As alpha of the local werewolf pack, Conall's as unreasonable as he is sexy. But when his people are no longer able to heal and he asks for my help, I can't say no -- to moonlighting at the compound or to his advances. The big bad wolf manages to set my body ablaze with every look, word, and touch. With his pack on the brink of war, he makes it clear he doesn't have time for love, but that doesn't keep me from falling. Same way it won't prevent his enemies from using me to get to him.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 347 Pages
  • File Size: 1,571 KB

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