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The Night at Times Square


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Rhiannon Broderick grew up knowing New York City as one word: home. That is, until her world comes crashing down, leaving her with no love-of-her-life and no best-friend-forever. Even her parents have no idea how to deal with their daughter. With one last hope, Mom and Dad take drastic measures: sending her to live with Aunt Vicky on the outskirts of Cleveland, Ohio.

That's okay for Rhiannon, though. The fewer people, the better. With her graduation happening soon - only 270 days and counting - she plans to travel far away in isolation where no one knows where she is.

But on the first day of Hawkens Academy, she meets a boy.

For Austin Chang, his life is all about smooth sailing: bashes at his mansion, the ladies drooling over him, and the swim team where he's the best swimmer in his league. With little effort, he comes in first place every time at the butterfly stroke. Sure, he may think it's lonely, and sure, he doesn't know what to do once he graduated high school, but he'll treat every weekend, every party, and every day like it's his last.

But on the first day of his senior year, at the end of his era, he meets a girl.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 336 Pages
  • File Size: 1,692 KB

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