



This CHPN Review Book is a one-stop shop for exam success! It provides everything you need to ace the Certified Hospice and Palliative Nurse Exam all in one place:

• Complete CHPN Review of the LATEST exam topics

• Over 600 CHPN Practice Questions and Answers with detailed Explanations

• Magical steps to ensure your success

No need to stress about finding multiple resources - this guide has it all.

Topics Covered in this CHPN Study Guide 2024-2025:
Section 1 - CHPN Review Guide:
1. Patient Care: Life-Limiting Conditions in Adult Patients:
2. Patient Care: Pain Management:
3. Patient Care: Symptom Management:
4. Patient and Family Care, Education, and Advocacy:
5. Practice Issues:

Section 2 - Four Full Length CHPN Practice Test:
SET 1 - CHPN Practice Questions

SET 2 - CHPN Practice Questions

SET 3 - CHPN Practice Questions

SET 4 - CHPN Practice Questions

Key Features of the book:
Covers Complete and Latest Exam Topics:
This book dives deep into the core topics covered on the CHPN Certification exam. It provides a comprehensive review of essential subject areas. Each topic is presented in a user-friendly manner, ensuring readers can quickly grasp the key concepts and theories.

Over 600+ CHPN Practice Questions:
This section of the study guide is dedicated to practice questions. In total, it offers over 600+ carefully crafted questions that mirror the style and format of the Certified Hospice and Palliative Nurse Exam. These questions cover various difficulty levels, allowing candidates to assess their knowledge and identify areas that require further study.

In-Depth Explanations for the correct answer:
This section provides in-depth explanations for the correct answers to the practice questions. By delving into the rationale behind each answer, readers gain a comprehensive understanding of the underlying concepts. The explanations also offer additional insights, tips, and strategies to approach similar questions on the actual exam.

Test-Taking Strategies:
Recognizing the importance of test-taking strategies, this book equips readers with essential tips and techniques to maximize their performance on the CHPN exam. Through effective time management, stress reduction strategies, and guidance on how to approach different question types, candidates can enhance their test-taking skills and boost their overall confidence.

This CHPN Study Guide is an essential tool for anyone seeking to pass the CHPN exam with flying colors. By offering a complete review of exam topics, a wide range of practice questions, and detailed explanations for correct answers, this study guide prepares candidates for success.

Are you looking to conquer the Certified Hospice and Palliative Nurse exam in 2024? Look no further than our all-in-one CHPN Study Guide, complete with the latest outline for the upcoming year. With over 600 practice questions and detailed answer explanations, you'll be fully prepared to tackle any challenge that comes your way. Our guide also includes four full-length tests to simulate the actual exam experience and boost your confidence. Don't let the fear of the exam hold you back - equip yourself with the best resources available and set yourself up for success. Invest in our comprehensive study guide today and take the first step towards passing your CHPN exam with flying colors!

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 157 Pages
  • File Size: 4,644 KB

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